It looks like there may be a memory leak with Apache::Request.  I'm using
version 1.0 with Perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.26, and Apache 1.3.26.  mod_perl
is statically compiled into Apache.

Here's some code that I think demonstrates the leak:

  package My::APRTest;

  use strict;

  use Apache::Request;
  sub Apache::Request::DESTROY{warn "DEAD: $_[0]\n"}
  sub handler
      my $r = shift;
      $r = Apache::Request->new($r);

      $r->print('apr test');

      return 200;


When I run this, the DESTROY method is not called until the server shuts

Watching memory using with top (against a server running as httpd -X) I
can see that memory usage is growing a little less the 500K every 5000

This isn't catastrophic but fixing it would be a good thing.


we await the New Sun

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