Perrin Harkins wrote:
 > Stas Bekman wrote:
 >> If you are talking about threaded mpms, we will need to develop new
 >>  tools to restrict the size of the perl interpreters in the pool.
 > I was thinking about that too.  Are there hooks for causing an
 > interpreter to exit?  Is it safe to simply call CORE::exit?  I'd like
 >  to make SizeLimit work for the threaded MPMs if possible.

I think the idea was to have a special thread running whose only purpose
is monitoring the pool of idle interpreters. Inside that thread you
could have various processes happening for each process:

- garbage collection (walk the optree and free big chunks of
reserved/unused memory, other optimizations)
- destroy interpreters that have too much non-shared memory, etc
- reload modified modules?
- etc..

I think this was somewhat discussed about a year ago.

I'm not sure if this approach can be somehow piggy-backed into
Apache::SizeLimit so users will be able to run pretty much the same 
setup for threaded and non-threaded mpms.

I believe that we can add a Perl space hook that sets a flag that
condemns an interpreter to death. When an interpreter is put back into
the pool, this flag can be checked and modperl_interp_cleanup() called
if that flag is set, thus killing the interpreter.

I'm not sure if CORE::exit will work, most likely not, because it'll 
probably unsync the pool state. Need to try though.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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