> Changing a line in CGI::Carp
> < sub ineval { $^S || _longmess() =~ /eval [\{\']/m }
> ---
> > sub ineval { _longmess() =~ /eval [\{\']/m }

> Are there any solutions to this problem that don't involve changing
> CGI::Carp?  Perhaps I should just rip the code that I want out of CGI::Carp?

Why not just pull in CGI::Carp and then have some code like:
  # Redefine whatever subs we want to directly in the CGI::Carp package
  # Just don't expect LDS to support this... :=)
  use CGI::Carp;
  sub CGI::Carp::ineval { _longmess() =~ /eval [\{\']/m }

I've done the same for many a change to CGI.pm to fix some nits I've run across.



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