
I am running Apache 1.3 on  OpenVMS V7.2-1H1.  When I upload files to my server
all works fine, until the file size exceeds 67,066 bytes. My CGI is written in
Perl 5.6.

I have searched my Apache documentation looking for a limiting directive in my
httpd.conf file, with no success. Changing the byte limit on the Apache VMS
didn't work either. Running my tests has shown that when the upload is
successful, the STDIN buffer in perl contains the file content, complete with
boundries. When the size exceeds 67,066 bytes, the buffer is empty and it
the upload didn't start.

There doesn't seem to be any entries in the FAQ's regarding this problem and

Is this an Apache configuration I have missed or a Perl issue. Any advise on
to continue my search will be received with thanks.

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