Richard Clarke wrote:

> I mean in the case of the database crashing and being able to switch 
> to a replicated backup system.

That's trivial to implement if it happens during connect time.  You can 
simply keep a list of databases to try, and if one fails you go on to 
the next.  This approach is compatible with Apache::DBI, which will 
check database handles before handing them out to you.  It will attempt 
a re-connect, and if it fails it will pass the failure message back to 
you just as if it were a normal connection attempt.

It's harder if you want every query to be able to automatically retry on 
another database if it fails.  For that, you would need to add some 
extra code to catch the exception, recognize it as a connection failure, 
make a new connection, and retry the query.  I don't see anything on the 
SQL-Relay pages about this sort of ability.

- Perrin

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