Title: Mount something with my perl script


I don't know if this is the right mailing list, but well...

How can I mount something with my perl script?
I've got always the error: mount: only root can do this

So I changed my script something like this:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
`su - root <password> -c 'mount -t smbfs -o  credentials=<some.file> //<windows/share> /<mount/point>'`;

If I start the script in the shell as root, it works fine.

If I start the script in the shell as some other user, it asked me for the password.

If I start the script in via the Internet-Browser, in the log files it first asked for the password and after one second it completes to "incorrect password"

How can I change my script to execute the mount command as root automatically, or to mount something within my perl script???



Christian Heiss


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