This may be more of an Apache question, but I saw a thread in the mod_perl
archives on caching methods that is relevant.

I'd like to use IPC::MM to store data in shared memory across child
processes, but I've run into permissions problems. I'm assuming this is
because I'm creating the cache in which is run by root, and
trying to store data in a child process that is run as user apache. If I
create the cache in a child process, I can write to it, but lose the ability
to use it in other child processes.

The IPC::MM perldoc mentions file permissions, but I think that's for a
file-based cache, which doesn't apply here. I could be wrong on that and
just setting the permissions incorrectly. I haven't found a lot of
documentation about using this library, so maybe this isn't the proper way
for it to be used. 

I'm on Linux (RH 7.3/2.4.18-3) and apache 1.3.22.


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