What's up with this? I'm trying to load Apache::DBI on startup.

I have apache and mod_perl installed, and running ok,
and have installed additional modules, including the

When I put the line in mod_perl.conf,

    PerlModule Apache::DBI

I can't start the web server.

On the command line, when I say

    perl -e 'use Apache::DBI'

I get the error msg:

    Can't locate object method "module" via package "Apache"
    (perhaps you forgot to load "Apache"? at /usr/lib/perl5/
    site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/DBI.pm line 199.

Line 199 checks for Apache.pm and Apache::Status, thus:

if ($INC('Apache.pm') and Apache->module('Apache::Status'));

I have both Apache.pm and Apache::Status installed.

What gives?


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