>> BZS::License performs a similar load operation to BZS::Loader. First,
>> however it looks for a hash pointer in the caller program called
>> $ptr2_License.
>> The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional
>>'private' key
>> list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. B<OR>,

> I thought that somebody has already said here that you cannot hide your
> perl code. if you have an access to the perl interpreter you can dump
> the source code after it was decrypted.
> wouldn't it be a good idea to add the truth to the POD so not to mislead
> the crowd? I've read through the doc but didn't see a word mentioning
> this "little" caveat.
> Shouldn't the module be renamed to BZS::Obscure::...? ;)

You are correct. If you...

use Hidden::Module

then use Data::Dumper to reconstruct most of the raw code. This would be
about as useful as decompiling 'B' code. If you had access to the
intrepreter directly, you could probably even capture the decrypt stream
before perl compiles it, but all of that would take a degree of
sophistication that is better used to make real money instead of
hacking stuff apart.

How about BZS::VeryObscure :-)


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