On Fridayen den 2 August 2002 13.37, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > Hi there.
> >
> > I'm new to this list so excuse me if I brake written or unwritten
> > rules... I'm the apache2 (from CVS) packager for Mandrake Linux.
> >
> > Is there some voodoo magic trick I could do to enable both mod_perl
> > bransches on the same machine?
> >
> > As it is now both apache versions can coexist, but when I try to compile
> > latest mod_perl it complains when it finds 1.27
> >
> > Any hints would be appreciated.
> True. MP_INST_APACHE2=1 was supposed to become a default, but it didn't
> yet :( So I've adjusted the docs too early. I've put it back:
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/install/install.html#Create_the_build_
> You should be all set now.

Thanks. It did build without any problems, but there's yet to tell if if 
conflicts on the file and file location level ;)

Regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks -> http://d-srv.com

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