There's the AxKit one, which does something pretty similar -
AxKit::XSP::Session I think it's called.

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Enrico Sorcinelli wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to propose a new Apache module before I send it off to
> CPAN. The namespace I've chosen is Apache::SessionManager.
> This module is a an Apache/mod_perl module and use Apache::Session to
> track user's sessions over HTTP request.
> Simply Apache::SessionManager help me with session management.
> Apache::SessionManager creates an object session (in Header parsing phase,
> but not obligatorily) and make it available to all other handlers
> transparently by putting in pnotes. Others handlers can retrieve session
> directly from pnotes or by calling the simple function
> Apache::SessionManager::get_session($r)
> After some search on CPAN I haven't found a mod_perl module that does
> the same thing (right?).
> The module is work in progress, of course, even if already I use it.

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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