I am currently developping a private module utilizing
PerlProcessConnection handler and facing a bit of problem.
(Apache::2.0.39 + mod_perl 1.99.04)

This is the part of program:
sub handler {
     my Apache::Connection $c = shift;
     my APR::Socket $socket = $c->client_socket;

     my($rlen, $wlen);
     my $rlen = BUFF_LEN;
     $socket->recv($buff, $rlen);

At this point, if there is no incoming data from client,
the program halts forever.

What I want to do is something like
  my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket);
  if ($sel->can_read(1)){
    my $socket->recv($buff, $rlen);
so that I can do other works while waiting for data.

I tried to set timeout using $socket->setsocketopt(APR_SO_TIMEOUT,1)
but it didn't seem to work well.

Does any body have any idea on how to check incoming data avaliabily
on APR::Socket?

Hideki Noma
Humeia Limited Parnership

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