That looks like there's something that occasionally goes off and starts
spinning, given the low memory usage and the fact that some processes
using little cpu are also not swapped out.

I suspect that one of your pages has a potential infinite loop that's
being triggered.  Try and catch at what point the load suddenly starts
rising, and check what pages were accessed around that time.  They're
where you should start looking.

Note that you should probably focus on the access and error log lines
that correspond with processes that are using excessive amounts of cpu.


On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Anthony E. wrote:

> I'm using apache 1.3.26 and mod_perl 1.27
> My apache processes seem to be taking up more and more
> system resources as time goes on.
> Can someone help me determine why my server load is
> going up?
> When i first start apache, my "load average" is about
> .02, but after a couple of hours, it goes up to 4 or
> 5, and after a couple of days, has been as high as
> 155.
> I have the following directives configured in
> httpd.conf:
> MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
> MinSpareServers 5 
> MaxSpareServers 20
> StartServers 10
> MaxClients 200
> MaxRequestsPerChild 5000
> Here is a snip of 'top' command:
>   6:28pm  up 46 days, 23:03,  2 users,  load average:
> 2.24, 2.20, 1.98
> 80 processes: 74 sleeping, 6 running, 0 zombie, 0
> stopped
> CPU0 states: 99.3% user,  0.2% system,  0.0% nice, 
> 0.0% idle
> CPU1 states: 100.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 
> 0.0% idle
> Mem:  1029896K av,  711884K used,  318012K free,      
> 0K shrd,   76464K buff
> Swap: 2048244K av,  152444K used, 1895800K free       
>           335796K cached
> 25893 nobody    16   0 10188 9.9M  3104 R    95.5  0.9
>  21:55 httpd
> 25899 nobody    16   0  9448 9448  3104 R    95.3  0.9
>  63:27 httpd
> 25883 nobody     9   0 10468  10M  3096 S     2.5  1.0
>   0:16 httpd
> 25895 nobody     9   0 10116 9.9M  3104 S     2.1  0.9
>   0:15 httpd
> 25894 nobody     9   0 10240  10M  3104 S     1.9  0.9
>   0:16 httpd
> 25898 nobody     9   0 10180 9.9M  3100 S     1.7  0.9
>   0:13 httpd
> Also, I notice in my error_log i get this entry quite
> frequently:
> 26210 Apache::DBI new connect to
> 'news:'
> What can i do to keep the server load low?
> =====
> Anthony Ettinger
> home: 415.504.8048
> mobile: 415.385.0146
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