The question is not about how to make links relative to root. The purpose is
to show correctly the user what the step he is at in the process. If no
mistake, he would be taken to step 2, but since the data has error and he
needs correct it, so I would like the browser indicating he is still in the
step 1. Although it's not that important an issue.

Did you mean javascript can change the URL text displayed in the (some
version of) browser's address/location bar? I know it is used to display
text in status. Noemally the use of Javascript to validate the data can
almost eliminate the needing of such network trip, but not always.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Ho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harry Zhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "mod_perl List" <>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Is it possible to change the browser's address/location URL
without Redirect?

> Hello,
> HZ>I was wondering if that network trip can be avoided.
> The answer is no.
> You might be able to use JavaScript to do it on certain browsers, but I'm
> reasonably sure you can't do it on recent IE and Netscape browsers.
> Why do you want to do this? You could use <base href/> or similar if your
> goal is just to make links are relative to a certain root.
> Humbly,
> Andrew
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Andrew Ho            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
> Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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