Hello Fredo Sartori,

Thursday, August 15, 2002, 1:44:34 PM, you wrote:

I mabe wrong, but what about to move code to setup ENV out from BEGIN
block ? I wrote simple test below:

# Test.pm
package Test;

use Apache::Constants   qw ( :common );

        $ENV{FOO1} = 'BAR1';
        $ENV{FOO2} = 'BAR2';

sub handler {
        my $r = shift;
        $r->print("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n");
        print "FOO1=$ENV{FOO1}, FOO2=$ENV{FOO2}\n";
        return OK;



# httpd.conf

SetEnv   FOO1  QQ1
SetEnv   FOO2  QQ2

<Location /test>
    SetHandler                  perl-script
    PerlHandler                 Test
    PerlSendHeader              On

One the first request of the fresh apache, I got:


On all subsequent requests:


I thing this is because mod_perl reset ENV hash on each request, but
I'm not sure. And I'm on Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26. Not on
apache2. Did you confirm such behaviour of MP2 ? Does not find any
mention which confirm this in the guide :(

FS> Hi, 

FS> I have problems connecting to an Oracle-DB through apache2. A test
FS> script, that works fine when run directly from the shell, fails to
FS> connect to the Orcacle DB, when run through apache. As far as I can see,
FS> the SID is not passed to the DB server. 

FS> ..................................... 
FS> The foolowing message is found in the error log: 

FS> [Thu Aug 15 09:25:46 2002] [error] 27824: ModPerl::Registry:
`DBI->>connect(sun1) failed: Error while trying to retrieve text for
FS> error ORA-12505 (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach) at
FS> /server/apache-dev/perl/test-oracle line 23 
FS> ' 

FS> ....................................... 
FS> the log file  of the Oracle listener on the DB box ahows: 

FS> 15-AUG-02 09:25:46 *
 * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= sh * * * 0 

FS> ...................................... 
FS> The following versions are used: 
FS> apache 2.0.39 
FS> mod_perl: 1.99_04 
FS> DBI: 1.30 
FS> DBD-Oracle: 1.12 

FS> ................. 
FS> #sample script: 
FS> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w 

FS>     $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/opt/oracle/app/product/8.1.6'; 
FS>     $ENV{ORACLE_SID}  = 'SPD'; 
FS> } 

FS> use CGI; 

FS> use DBI;   

FS> my $db_name = 'dbi:Oracle:sun1';  
FS> my $db_user = 'webuser'; 
FS> my $db_pass = 'topsecret'; 

my $q=CGI->>new; 

my $dbh = DBI->>connect($db_name, $db_user, $db_pass, 
FS>    {LongReadLen => 65534, 
FS>     RaiseError  => 1, 
FS>     AutoCommit  => 0}); 

FS> my $query = q{ 
FS> SELECT count (*) 
FS> FROM asdb_mgr.stammdaten14 
FS>         WHERE bis is null  }; 

my $sth = $dbh->>prepare($query); 

my $rc  = $sth->>execute(); 

my $count = $sth->>fetchrow_array; 

print $q->>header; 
FS> print "Anzahl der SPD-MdBs: $count\n"; 



FS> ............................... 
FS> httpd.conf: 

FS> Alias /perl  /server/apache-dev/perl 
FS> <IfModule mod_perl.c> 

FS>   PerlRequire "/server/apache-dev/conf/perl-startup.pl" 

FS>     <Location /perl> 
FS>        SetHandler       perl-script 
FS>        PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry 
FS>        PerlOptions +ParseHeaders 
FS>        Options          +ExecCGI 
FS>     </Location> 

FS> </IfModule> 

FS> ...................................... 
FS> perl-startup.sh: 

FS> #  file:perl-startup.pl 
FS> #  --------------- 
FS>   use Apache2 (); 
FS>   use Apache::compat (); 
FS>   use lib qw(/server/apache-dev/perl/); 
FS>   use ModPerl::Util ();   
FS>   use Apache::RequestRec (); 
FS>   use Apache::RequestIO (); 
FS>   use Apache::RequestUtil (); 
FS>   use Apache::Server (); 
FS>   use Apache::ServerUtil (); 
FS>   use Apache::Connection (); 
FS>   use Apache::Log (); 
FS>   use APR::Table (); 
FS>   use ModPerl::Registry (); 
FS>   use Apache::Const -compile => ':common'; 
FS>   use APR::Const -compile => ':common'; 
FS>   1; 

FS> .......................................... 

FS> Thanks, 

FS> Fredo 

WBR, Mike P. Mikhailov

You can have my Unix system when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers

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