On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:

> with the following starnge error (The Title is displayed but not the
> vignette.gif file)
> [Mon Aug 19 07:22:24 2002] [error] Missing right curly or square bracket
> at /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1, at end of line
> syntax error at /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1,
> at EOF

For some reason vingette.gif is being interpreted as a Perl script instead
of an image.  This is probably a case of a misconfigured web server,
although I don't know enough about your setup to be sure.  What happens if
you try to load this image separate from HTML::Template, just by typing
the URL into your browser?


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