Excellent... can't wait to try it out... thanks Sam. 

ps: You did not mention anything about adding filter args support... i
though that you were going to put in some sort of a feature to support
filter arguments (for which Cees sent a patch...) - is this still on the

On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 07:13, Sam Tregar wrote:
>    - New Feature: HTML::Template will combine HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT
>                   environment variable and path option if both are
>                   available. (Jesse Erlbaum)
>    - New Feature: __counter__ variable now available when
>                   loop_context_vars is set (Simran Gambhir)
>    - New Feature: The default attribute allows you to specify
>                   defaults for <tmpl_var> tags.
>    - Bug Fix: fixed parser to reject <tmpl_var>s with no names.
>               (crazyinsomniac)
>    - Doc Fix: fixed documentation to correctly describe the
>               interaction of case_sensitive and loop_context_vars.
>               (Peter Claus Lamprecht)
>    - Doc Fix: updated mailing-list information to reflect move from
>               vm.com to sourceforge.net
>     This module attempts to make using HTML templates simple and natural. It
>     extends standard HTML with a few new HTML-esque tags - <TMPL_VAR>,
>     The file written with HTML and these new tags is called a template. It
>     is usually saved separate from your script - possibly even created by
>     someone else! Using this module you fill in the values for the
>     variables, loops and branches declared in the template. This allows you
>     to separate design - the HTML - from the data, which you generate in the
>     Perl script.
>     This module is licensed under the GPL. See the LICENSE section below for
>     more details.
>     If you're new to HTML::Template, I suggest you start with the
>     introductory article available on the HTML::Template website:
>        http://html-template.sourceforge.net
>     This module is available on SourceForge.  Download it at:
>        http://html-template.sourceforge.net
>     The module is also available on CPAN.  You can get it using
>     CPAN.pm or go to:
>        http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SA/SAMTREGAR/
>     This module was written by Sam Tregar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). You can
>     join the HTML::Template mailing-list by visiting:
>       http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/html-template-users

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