hi, i have one big problem
i'm using modperl 2.0 (last cvs), httpd 2.0 (last cvs), perl 5.8.0 using apache mpm = worker when i start apache, size: 17277 nobody 8 0 13964 13M 13152 S 0.0 3.6 0:00 httpd DBI.pm have problem, when i execute my script, DBI.pm open memorya but don't close look /usr/local/apache-2.0/bin/ab -n 10 17280 nobody 9 0 20876 20M 7412 S 4.4 5.4 0:00 httpd try again: 17280 nobody 9 0 27396 26M 7412 S 0.0 7.1 0:00 httpd any people have one ideia for clean this memory? []s nattis