How about using "sudo" so that you can run a system command that can
"su" up to the correct account and do it. 

Alternatively, you can write a daemon that runs as root that you can
connect to that can do this... 

On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 20:09, Nico Erfurth wrote:
> John Stauffacher wrote:
> > All,
> > 
> > I've run into an interesting problem which I can't seem to figure out.
> > Here it is: I have created a web form/perl script that sets up a users
> > vacation file and .forward for them. Which works. The only problem is, I
> > cannot write to their home directory (because Apache does not have
> > rights to). The users *ARE* being authenticated via LDAP -- is there any
> > way I can spawn a process with the ownership of the user to write to
> > their directories within mod perl?
> The best way is to write in a temp-file and run a cronjob every 5 
> minutes or so.
> ciao

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