From: Mark Schoonover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> to add additional modules to Apache/mod_perl...

I like to build DSOs, and do it a lot like this:

# Unpack apache and mod_perl in the current directory, then:

% cd mod_perl-1.27
% perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 \
        APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
 > config.out 2>&1

% make > make.out 2>&1
% make test > make_test.out 2>&1
# Check make_test.out
% make install > make_install.out 2>&1

There are problably other good answers available on the list, but I like this method. 
You will get a sample httpd.conf that has LoadModule and AddModule directives for lots 
of things. It should make sence from there.

Rodney Broom
President, R.Broom Consulting

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