OK, I know a few of you received this "plea for help" through a direct
email. It was suggested to me by one of the recipients (Geoffrey Young
actually) that I submit this email to the list and that theoretically, you
wouldn't tar-and-feather me. I hope he was right;)

Here's a modified version of my original request for help (so it would make
sense to the list)...

My name is Todd Cranston-Cuebas and I'm with Ticketmaster here in Los
Angeles. The most important thing on my plate is to help the dev teams for
Ticketmaster.com and Citysearch.com to meet their project goals. To do this
I need to bring in some heavyweight mod_perl hacks and well... that's the

Our existing team is great and you probably already know a few of our people
(e.g., Ask, Stas, Doug, etc.) so we have a pretty exciting environment. I'm
hoping that you might have some suggestions to help me get in touch with
solid mod_perl, apache API people (i.e., user groups, organizations, mail
lists, newsgroups, companies you know who are using mod_perl, conferences,
colleagues, friends?).

I've already posted to jobs.perl.org, DICE, and Monster, but so far we're
not seeing people with the most senior-level of experience (specifically
real-world experience writing perl mods in a high-volume, high-transaction
web environment. C programming experience is a serious plus at this level).
I usually find that people doing this level of work are the people who know
others doing this level of work. That's why I'm writing and again, I hope
you don't mind (Talk to Ask, I'm an OK guy).

These positions would be here in LA and we're only looking to bring people
in for full-time, on-site gigs.

Any suggestions at all would be appreciated.

Whew! Well that's it. If you have any suggestions (be nice OK?) I'd
appreciate it. I'm looking for serious constructive suggestions.

So far it's been suggested that I should:

1). Seek people with senior mod_perl experience specifically since it's a
big jump from cgi work.

2). Consider splitting up the requirements of having a high proficiency in
mod_perl and C. Treat them separately or just bring in the best mod_perl
developer we can find and give him/her the opportunity to learn Apache API

3). Attend apacheCon in November.

Any other thoughts?



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