.------[ Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote (2002/09/19 at 01:47:39) ]------
 |  On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Josh Chamas wrote:
 |  [...]
 |  > So I run it again with ServerTokens Min, and get the same results. :)
 |  > Still something different on the mod_perl headers, looks like mod_perl
 |  > 2.x is setting Content-Length where it didn't use to.
 |  The details evade me, but I recall something about how the buckets
 |  work in the httpd that makes httpd 2.0 always know (and set) the
 |  Content-Length.
 |  There was discussion about changing it; but I don't remember the
 |  outcome.
 |  (yes, it has (had?) some implications for how data can be "streamed"
 |  from the proxy in such a setup, which was the reason for changing
 |  it.  Indeed it could be that it was only affecting the proxy.  Did I
 |  mention that I forgot the details?).  :-)
 |   - ask
 |  -- 
 |  ask bjoern hansen, http://www.askbjoernhansen.com/ !try; do();

    Would this mean that a handler that currently cannot know it's
    Content-Length: ( due to the way it handles templates ) would not
    have to be re-written on Apache/mod_perl 2.0? 

    Wouldn't this make it only necessary to determine the Last-Modified:
    header to make caching work? I've been wanting to put front-end
    caches on my mod_perl handlers for some time but the code changes
    necessary to generate these two headers have kept me from it for
    some time. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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