* Nigel Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-21 04:31]:
> I just found a really cool tool (mentioned in SysAdmin journal). 
> It shows a dynamic picture of MySQL processes just like 'top'

[-- snip --]

> It would be great to have a similar tool for mod_perl/apache. You
> could see the memory consumption of children over time, number of
> requests served, average response time etc.

Have you seen mod_status?  It produces parsable output; you can get nice
useful info like:

   Srv  PID    Acc   M CPU    SS  Req Conn Child Slot Client    VHost Request
   0-0  6762 0/13/43 _ 12.98 85   0   0.0  0.20  0.59 foo   GET 
/images/header_logo2.gif HTTP/1.1
   1-0  6760 0/18/48 _ 19.44 85   1   0.0  0.42  0.68 foo   GET 
/images/336633.gif HTTP/1.1
   2-0  6761 0/16/46 _ 12.96 85   0   0.0  0.39  1.04 foo   GET 
/images/curve_white2.gif HTTP/1.1
   3-0  6763 0/15/45 _ 13.01 85   0   0.0  0.38  0.40 foo   GET 
/images/99cc99_h10.gif HTTP/1.1
   4-0  6764 0/11/41 _ 6.64  85   0   0.0  0.20  0.45 foo   GET 
/images/336633_w119.gif HTTP/1.1
   5-0  6765 0/9/39  _ 6.70  85   0   0.0  0.20  0.63 foo   GET 
/images/header_end2.gif HTTP/1.1
   6-0  6766 0/7/37  W 6.53  85   0   0.0  0.20  0.80 foo   GET 
/server-status HTTP/1.0
   7-0  6767 0/4/34  _ 0.01  85   5   0.0  0.00  0.40 foo   GET 
/server-status HTTP/1.0
   8-0  6768 0/1/31  _ 0.00  85   1   0.0  0.00  0.01 foo   GET 
/images/clear.gif HTTP/1.1
   9-0  -    0/0/30  . 13.06 105  0   0.0  0.00  0.22 foo   GET 
/images/curve_white2.gif HTTP/1.1
   10-0 -    0/0/3   . 0.01  1069 1   0.0  0.00  0.00 foo   GET 
/images/336633.gif HTTP/1.1


PS Yes, mytop is very cool.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.

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