This is completely off topic.. but I have a question you guys might help
me with..

I'm writing then next part of a big modperl project I'm doing.. This bit
could be loosely called a mailing-list-server..

The listserver is going to handle out-going (only'ish) opt-in mailing
lists.  The opting-in bit is all bound into the rest of the project, as
is the construction of the outgoing email, and the list management...

I'm wondering if there is any point in looking for a piece of third
party software/module etc, that will handle the sending of the mail or
should I work directly with sendmail? (Is sendmail the best mailserver
for this kind of thing?)

I'd be happy to write something along the line of on my own,
so I kinda know what I'm doing, but I'm gonna have to take things like
"Return to sender" errors and such into account..

My question I guess is:
 - Is it ok to send 100's or 1000's of mails to sendmail in one go, or
is there a better way of doing bulk mail?
 - Are there any mods to help with dealing with returned mail etc..?
 - Is there a good list of people doing this sort of thing? (Or do you
mind the thread being a little off-topic!)

I don't think I'm trying to reinvent the wheel.. Just that I think there
is so much of my own coding involved, I'm not sure if I'm going to be
able to get away with anything less than writing it from scratch..

Would be greatful for any advice,


Jim Morrison
Technology & Development Partner
Isotope LLP
9, 2 Laura Place
Bath, BA2 4BH
+44  (0) 1225  446170
+44  (0) 7940 937822

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