"Peter Bi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Please take a serious look. 

I did, and I suspect this problem is caused by OP's client/browser 
failing to open the file with the Kanji filename, so it might be
sending an empty file with the default enctype instead.

> There were several related reports in the mailing list during the
> months: Apache::Request might not handle double-bytes or utf8
> correctly. Or it may be due to the C library.

You seem to know something about this issue.  However, this is the first 
time I've seen utf8 discussed in relation to Apache::Request on this list.
I've tried a few dozen links from google ("utf8 Apache::Request"), and 
I've searched the epigone archives for this list.  I wasn't able to find 
a single related report.

A reference url, a test case, or a better still, a patch, would be 
considerably more helpful than sending me on a wild goose chase.

Joe Schaefer

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