
We're developing a perl module for apache/mod_perl, but have encountered a
really strange problem.

After 'a while' we seem to lose the data sent to the apache-server, at
least it never reaches our module.

We have absolutely no idea what might be causing this, and we realize it
isn't an easy question to ask either, since we have never been able to
reproduce the error on command. Sometimes it's there, sometimes not.
It seems to come more frequently when the apache has been up and running
for quite some time though, so our current 'solution' is to restart the
apache every 3rd hour, but this doesn't completely solve the problem

We have encountered the bug on several versions of both apache and
mod_perl, on different os's:

Solaris/mod_perl 1.25/apache 1.3.19
Debian/mod_perl 1.26/apache 1.3.23

We have also seen it both in the compiled versions and in the standard

Recently we switched from using the standard Apache request-object to
using the Apache::Request one, for the added functionality, but this has
not had any effect at all as far as we can tell, and the bug keeps

It is possible that it has increased somewhat with increased number of
vhosts, but we can't say for sure.

Our perl module is 2k+ lines of perl-code, using other self-made modules
of another 6k+ lines, + several standard modules, if that is of any help.

Everything else seems to be fine, and no error-logs show anything.

We have searched plenty on the web, in mailing list archives and such, but
have so far never seen it mentioned.

Does anyone at all know what this could be? Any pointers at all regarding
any possible solution to this problem would be much appreciated.

Hakan Nilsson


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