What is the proper way to revert back to the default-handler from a 
custom PerlHandler? My handler is only defined in ScriptAlias'd 
locations. In the cases when I want the default-handler to process the 
cgi request, that is have mod_cgi (i.e. perl-script) run the script I tried:

  $r->handler('perl-script') if (special_case);


  $r->handler('default-handler') if (special_case);


  return DECLINED if (special_case);

and lastly

  return DECLINED;

All four cases result in the Perl code being displayed instead of the 
script being executed? If a location is defined as a ScriptAlias, then 
is the default-handler == perl-script? and would returning DECLINED 
result in mod_cgi handling the request? What am I doing wrong?

I'm running: Apache-1.3.26/mod_perl-1.26/perl-5.6.1/UNIX-Solaris8
btw, I have RTFM'd and refered to mod_perl cookbook but still confused ;)



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