Hi Nigel,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Hamilton" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 6:29 PM

> ...
> However, recently I've needed to use SSL, but I've heard the
> combination of mod_gzip and SSL is buggy on some browsers.

You are right, there are some known issues about M$IE, which sometimes drops
first 2K bytes, when the user "refreshes" content over SSL. The way to work
around is the same for all compression approaches: just place 2K blank
spaces in the beginning of every your web page (fortunately, they will be
compressed very effectively).

> I've checked out Apache::DynaGzip and it looks like what I need -
> but I'm interested in what other SSL+Compression combinations work best
> with mod_perl?

There are no compression features for SSL on server side. Just the
encryption should be done over the (dynamically) compressed file/stream.
Apache::Dynagzip could be really helpful if you use mod_perl-enabled Apache
to generate content on-the-fly (see Web Content Compression FAQ, attached in
M$ Word format).

> Here is a url that discusses compression options:
> http://www.innerjoin.org/apache-compression/

I like it.


Attachment: Web Content Compression FAQ-rev7.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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