hi all...

   I had a few moments so I've started to port Apache::Clean over to 
mod_perl 2.0.  it's far from complete, and I haven't examined all the 
issues with proper caching headers yet, but you can find the work in 
progress here:


it's _very_ alpha, so if you have problems, well, consider it an 
invitation to polish your debugging skills :)  I'll be playing with it 
on and off, though, so feel free to contact me directly about it.

the only real issue I noticed is that the 1.3 Apache::Filter and 
mod_perl 2.0 Apache::Filter don't seem to play nice with PerlModule 
Apache2, but it could have been something in my setup.  I ended up 
needing to uninstall Ken's old Apache::Filter to make the test suite work.

anyway, as I said it's a work in progress, but for those of you who 
want to play around with the 2.0 API and haven't yet (like me) 
Apache::Clean is itself a PerlOutputFilterHandler, and the 
distribution includes a (brief) example of SetHandler modperl and the 
Apache::Test test suite.

have fun.


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