David>        If you have some of the processes segfault when using
  David>        XML::Parser you should use

  David>        --disable-rule=EXPAT

  David>        during the Apache configuration step. 
  David>        Starting from mod_perl version 1.23 this option is
  David>        disabled by default.

  David> It is unclear to me where this disable-rule is specified.

In the configure line for Apache, like so:

  ./configure --disable-rule=EXPAT \

  David> I would assume in apache, but then it makes a statement that
  David> the option has been disabled by default for mod_perl 1.23+.
  David> That seems to imply the option is in mod_perl?

That's assuming you have the mod_perl distribution build Apache for
you, not if you're doing it the other way around.

  David> Can someone please give me specific information about how I
  David> would go about using this disable-rule to fix the
  David> afformentioned problem.

The above should help.

  David> Can someone also give me some information on why this is
  David> needed to fix the problem...what is the root cause of this
  David> problem?  I have only ran into this problem on my fully
  David> updated RedHat 7.3 box (apache 1.3.23 & mod_perl 1.26), not
  David> my RH 6.2 (apache 1.3.12 & mod_perl 1.24) boxes.  Please
  David> advise.

XML::Parser doesn't hide it's symbols properly and hence they collide
with the expat-lite that's in Apache by default.  I can't believe this
hasn't been fixed by now.

Nonetheless, this subject has been covered over and over on the list.
If you look in the archives you'll most certainly find more details.

/*  Bruno Connelly, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  */

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