Rodney Hampton wrote:
> Does anyone have an example of how to use $r->requires?

see recipe 13.6 in the cookbook, the code for which can be found here:

> I cannot find Apache::AuthzAge for an example of its use.
> I'm trying to handle all my location directive specific stuff in a 
> TransHandler and simply want to
> set require valid-user for some specific paths.

$r->requires() is read-only.  conditional authentication is a bit 
counterintuitive - you can't set up authentication where it doesn't 
already exist because Apache won't run the authentication phase 
without a Require directive in your httpd.conf.  the solution is to 
turn on authentication for everything, then turn it off where you 
don't need/want it.  see recipe 13.5 in the cookbook for more details. 
  the code for 13.5 can be found here:

see also the Satisfy directive

if you're only looking to do conditional authentication based on IP 



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