
I recently installed Apache::AuthenNTLM 0.21 on a Solaris 8 box running
Apache 1.3.26 with mod_perl. The trouble is now that the response times
are sometimes very slow, up to several tens of seconds. They are faster
with non-NTLM-browsers like Mozilla, in this case it's only the first
request that's painfully slow. The subsequent ones are ok.

Has someone an idea how I can improve the performance on this?


Entries in httpd.conf:

KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
KeepAliveTimeout 1800
AuthType ntlm,basic
AuthName "Intranet"

PerlAddVar ntdomain "ACCDOM SXPDC SXBDC"
PerlAddVar ntdomain "RESDOM SXPDC SXBDC"
# Several other Resource Domains here

PerlSetVar ntlmsemtimout 1
PerlSetVar defaultdomain eeu
PerlSetVar fallbackdomain eeu

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNTLM

require valid-user

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