Geoffrey Young wrote:

Kyle Oppenheim wrote:
>     $R->content_type ($data {mimetype});
>     $R->set_content_length ($data {size});
>     $R->header_out ('ETag',$data {md5});

don't do that.  use the $r->set_etag method instead, which is probably a
bit safer than trying to figure out Etag rules yourself.  I'm pretty
sure that you shouldn't use the Etag header with non-static entities
anyway, but I could be wrong.
Why not? I'm sending images stored in a database.

$r->set_etag doesn't seem to work, it wants to be called as Apache::set_etag ()

[Sun Oct 27 14:37:39 2002] [error] Usage: Apache::set_etag(r) at...

>     $R->update_mtime($data {mtime});
>     $R->set_last_modified;
Another thing, what sort of data should I pass to update_mtime? It complains:

Argument "2002-10-25 19:41:14.046993" isn't numeric in entersub at...

Why can't I find these methods in the Apache and Apache::Request manpages? Should I be looking elsewhere?



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