Sumitro Chowdhury wrote:


My question is : a)What is the reason for this behaviour ? Why does
printing a message halt the redirection ?

I don't know how to explain this really but, HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY implies a 302 status code which means,

"The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI."

Print some text to the browser implies a 200 OK code meaning,

"The request has succeeded."

These are both conflicting status'. The httpd can't send 2 status codes and as far as I am aware there is no scope in the HTTP protocol for returning a message in the response body about the fact that we are "Redirecting to a new site....".

b)What needs to be done to display a message saying
"Redirecting .." and then the browser to auto-display
the new URL ?

Any one of these should help you solve your problem I think

Thanks in advance ..
Sumitro Chowdhury.

Hope this helps,
   Richard Clarke.

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