I think you can only do this in Apache 2.0. In Apache 1.3 you can chain perl modules with OutputChain, but you can't chain a perl module and another apache module.

Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
Hello Simran,

At 00:50 07.11.2002, simran wrote:

I have the following scenario:

  * A Perl Handler i have written does a bit of work and
    outputs HTML

  * The HTML it outputs contains HTML like:

      <!--#include virtual="/includes/misc/topnav.html" -->

    I need this to be further parsed by Apache's Server Parsing

Does anyone know what i have to do for the above to work.

You want Apache::OutputChain or Apache::Filter together with an SSI module. See http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/modules.html#Apache__OutputChain____Chain_Stacked_Perl_Handlers and the paragraph below that for Apache::Filter.

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