Lester Vecsey wrote:
In the Makefile that gets generated there are some PERL= and FULLPERL=
statements that get set to whichever perl you ran on the original
Makefile.PL file. For example I ran /usr/bin/perl-5.8.0-threaded on it, and
they got set properly. The problem is theres an additional 'MakeMaker macro
section' down lower in the Makefile that gets generated that just seems to
always default to /usr/local/bin/perl, instead of any custom one that is
specified when running the original perl on Makefile.PL.

I just thought I'd point this out and ask if this was intentional or an
oversight. I manually changed it and was able to finish doing a 'make
install', which was previously hanging up on the 'pure_install' section
because it invoked the wrong perl executable.

So that takes care of the problem I posted about a week ago ;) Now off to
finish testing this version of mod_perl.so..

# --- MakeMaker macro section:
MODPERL_MAKEFILE = Makefile.modperl
#PERL = /usr/local/bin/perl
PERL = /usr/bin/perl-5.8.0-threaded
-e "ModPerl::MM::install({@ARGV},'$(VERBINST)',0,'$(UNINST)' <mailto:{@;ARGV},'$(VERBINST)',0,'$(UNINST)'>);"
If you look at Makefile.PL it has the following code:

macro => {
PERL => $build->perl_config('perlpath'),

which essentially does:

require Config;
PERL => $Config{perlpath},

meaning that your perl's Config.pm is wrong. Check what you get when you run:

% /usr/bin/perl-5.8.0-threaded -V:perlpath

does it print '/usr/bin/perl-5.8.0-threaded' or '/usr/local/bin/perl'

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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