Josh Chamas wrote:
Hey mod_perl users/developers,

In short what I think we need is for the modperl2 perl-script
configuration directive to automagically load the Apache::compat
layer, please read below for why.


I am working on the Hello World benchmarks to get them running
against mod_perl2 so we can get some numbers comparing mod_perl1
against it, and meanwhile having to port to Apache2/mod_perl2
for the first time, in this case all of the benchmarks.

What struck me odd was that even the simplest of handlers would
not run directly under mod_perl/1.99_05-dev, as in:

sub handler {
    my($r) = shift;
    $r->print('Hello ');

In this case the error was about content_type() not being implemented
which I could fix by adding:

use Apache::compat;
Many functions were renamed because they were renamed in Apache 2.0 API. Worse, some functions are now have gone (e.g., send_fd). mod_perl keeps a consistent API with Apache API.

Because some functions are no longer supported by Apache and were replaced by similar functionalities which don't map 1:1 to the old functions, Apache::compat provides a slower perl implementation for them, but in the long run for production use you don't want to use Apache::compat.

If it is the case that even the most trivial of applications
need Apache::compat, then why not load the Apache::compat layer
automatically?  If performance is an issue, or code bloat or
what not, then perhaps *Apache::compat* layer could be added
only in case of using the *perl-script* config directive,
instead of the new modperl directive.
As Doug explained on the dev list, "perl-script" handler is the normal mod_perl handler, it's not a backcompat handler.

Just load the Apache::compat if you need it while the dust settles down. 2.89 already does that.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

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