Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
Ugggh: My software works with the 'original server settings', (apache
1.3.24/mod_perl 1.26) see below(1), under linux.

It doesn't work with 'new server settings', (apache 1.3.26 / mod_perl
1.26) see below(2), under freeBSD.


With the new build, I get seg faults with 'some' of the PerlModules
included through PerlModule in various virtualhosts.  Other modules work.
These packages all run with strict and do not include any XS besides what
may hide under the cover with DBI, Date::Calc and Template.  I also have a
headache.  The packages were happily being included into my old build and
there is nothing unusual about them.  An strace displays the last couple
of lines before a segfault as follows:
See, http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/help.html#How_to_Report_Problems
you need to send the gdb backtrace, not the strace's output.

FWIW, I've had segfaults on 'use DBI' with mod_perl 2.0/perl 5.8.0, which have gone after I've updated the DBI package. Try to do the same.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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