I think I know this one.

#you might want to do this line, for edification if nothing else
my $list_ref = $r->get_handlers("PerlHandler");


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Sanger [mailto:brs900@;email1.dss.state.va.us]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: redirecting outside the Content handler

I have a few AccessHandlers that I'd like to redirect the user to the
correct page to get access if they don't have it.  I tried
ErrorDocuments, but I have multiple layers of authentication, and
ErrorDocuments won't cascade.  So I'm looking at switching the
ContentHandler.  internal_redirect() won't work, since it only works as
intended inside the content handler.  Can I just override the currently
expected ContentHandler?  How would I do that?

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