El mié, 20-11-2002 a las 10:25, Esteban Fernandez Stafford escribió:
> Hi Juan,
> I had a similar problem. To solve it I added these lines to startup.pl
> I guess you will have to change the paths to your own settings.
> # For the Apache::* modules
> use lib qw(/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i586-linux/Apache2);
> # For my own
> use lib qw(/home/esteban/apache_mod_perl/perl);

The truth is that Apache.pm does not exist; it probably is included in
the mod_perl 1.xx distribution. Should I install it? Won't that zap the
mod_per 1.99 installation?

Juan Julian Merelo Guervos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GeNeura team

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