Hi -

I am trying to upgrade my test server (SuSE 8.1) to Apache/
mod_perl 2. I installed and tested Apache 2 - all OK.

I have perl 5.8.0 (pre-build by SuSE); It passed the tests
in the mpd_perl 2 prequsites section.

I get this problem on make test (both with Apache mpm
configured as prefork AND worker):

# testing : passing ARGV
# expected: [
#           'foo',
#           'bar'
#         ]
# received: []
not ok 1
# testing : passing env via subprocess_env
# expected: 'my cool proc'
# received: ''
not ok 2
# testing : testing subproc's stdin -> stdout + list context
# expected: 'my cool proc
# '
# received: ''
not ok 3
# testing : testing subproc's stdin -> stderr + list context
# expected: 'my stderr
# '
# received: ''
not ok 4
FAILED tests 1-4
        Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay
Failed Test         Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
apache/subprocess.t                4    4 100.00%  1-4

I haven't got a clue. This is my sixth reRTFM/reinstall/retest.
Could someone give me a push as to what to try next?

Aloha => Beau.

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