Issac Goldstand wrote:
I'm writing a filter in which two lines of data are to be appended to the
content going back.  However, I'd like to test for a 404, and if found set
the response to 200.  Can this be done from the output filters?  Or am I
going to have to do something more complex with a handler?
Haven't tried this yet, but you can either write a connection filter which rewrites the headers if they were sent already, or insert your filter just before the one that generates the headers. Since you want to add something to the end, the former case is probably the best. I suggest that you ask for the best way at the httpd-dev list, as it's a pretty generic httpd topic and that list has real filter experts. Then once you figure out from them what's the best way to go (and share with us :) implementing it in perl is a piece of cake.

The big problem is mod_proxy (or any other module, for that matter) - it's
not as simple as checking the file on disk - the content could be coming
from a proxy or from another content-handler.

Any ideas?


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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