I know that when you “require” or “use” helper files in a Perl Script, and you are using Apache::Registry, when changes are made to the helper files they are not recognized until you restart Apache.  In the documentation it says that you can change the Apache configuration file to do this for you.  What I want to know is if there is a way to clear out the files or code in the Apache::Registry cache via a Perl Script.  I would like to write a simple Perl Script (clear.pl) that would have some code like $r->ResetCache that would clear out the cache and allow my other Perl script to see the new changes in its helper files.


The situation is that I’m using a shared server from a 3rd party hosting provider and I do not have control over what they have in their Apache configuration file.  Every time I make a change to a helper file I need them to restart Apache.


Are there any ideas out there in the world of Mod_Perl gurus?


Thank you.

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