David Wheeler wrote:

I will be the featured guest for an hour on the nationally syndicated talk radio show "Online Tonight" this evening at 8 pm PST (11 pm EST). Host David Lawrence and I be discussing Bricolage, its history, and content management in general. This is my first time on the radio, so it should be interesting. The show is a light, humor-oriented tech talk show, and is, along with Online Today, "the most listened to high-tech-oriented talk show on the air today," according to CNET Radio.

The show's web site:

To listen in via streaming media:
Hi David,

Care to share with us how was the show? And how much mod_perl talk was in it?

Unfortunately I wasn't able to listen to the broadcast due to some sw issues, the browser just hanged there... If the show was of interest to other mod_perl users, is there an mp3 that we can link to from perl.apache.org?

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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