Hello list,

I have following configuration: Apache 1.3.26, Perl 5.6.1 and mod_perl
1.26. And I get one very absurd error (for me at least).

I have following line in my code that prints out one data structure:

$self->{log}->notice( "DEBUG: permissions: " . Dumper( $all_permissions ) );

$self->{log} is Apache's log object created in calling module and then
blessed into current module, which is security checker.

Now the problem with line above is, that when it's in code the page just
doesn't work - it somehow gets into loop and starts to do the whole
request phase again and again, until browser shows 'Page not found error'.
When I comment this line out it just works perfectly, or even if I dump
the keys of this hash. And interesting is that this hash nothing comples
nor does it have circular references etc. Here's how it looks like:

$data = {
          'categories' => {
                            '263' => {
                                       'publish' => '1',
                                       'languages' => [
                                       'write' => '1'
                            '264' => {
                                       'publish' => '1',
                                       'languages' => [
                                       'write' => '1'
          'modules' => {
                         '9' => {
                                  'publish' => '1',
                                  'languages' => [],
                                  'write' => '1'

Can anyone shed light into this dark matter, how in the world can one data
structure cause this kind of thing? Has anyone seen this before?

Thanks in advance,

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