--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Todd W wrote:
 > > I have a table with some basic user information
> (first name, last name, 
> > address,
> > phone number, etc...).
> That's permanent data, not session data.  Session
> data is transient.

I was reading through the archives and came across
this. Everyone was so helpful the last time I had a
Apache::Session question (thread "what goes in a
session?") so I'm back with another question. 

The last project I worked on really had no transient
data, so the only thing I put in the session was the
user id (well, there was one transisent item...current
page, so that got put in the session as well). 

The project I'm currently working on (mod_perl, TT,
Apache::Session) is a registration system. Since this
is closer to a shopping cart, I would consider the
data transisent. 

My question is with regards to whether I need or
should put the submitted data into the session as the
user navigates the forms (to create an account). The
user will be taken through three forms to create an
account. So for instance, form one will ask the user
to create a username, password, and provide an email
address. Before moving on to form two (billing info),
should I put this data in the session, or just go
ahead and dump it in the database (after making any
nec. checks), since I won't need the info until they
actually login? Or should I collect all the info from
all three screens by putting it in the session as the
user traverses the forms and then put it all in the
database at once? I'm currently using the first
option. BTW, it is possible for a user to create a
free account by hitting form one only, so no harm
would come if something happened after form one.

Another question, while not mod_perl related (sorry:),
is how to taint check input data like usernames,
address fields and email addresses. All info is just
put in the database, no unsafe system calls are run.
I'm curious as to what characters to limit for
usernames in particular.


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