Warren Pollans wrote:
One app uses MLDBM (with DB_File) to store a complex hash. One doc, "mod_perl and dbm files", suggests that there might be consistency problems (locking related) when using dbm files with mod_perl. It seems that the MLDBM::Sync module is supposed to eliminate this concern.

Could someone that uses MLDBM with DB_File under mod_perl please let me know if there are, in fact, problems with this combination. If so, will MLDBM::Sync "fix" them or do I need to rewite my app to use mysql?

MLDBM::Sync is a drop in replacement for MLDBM for typical use,
and correctly deals with concurrency issues as long as the files
are on the local disk, files on network mounts may not respect
the file locking that MLDBM::Sync uses.


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