NOTE: I hope this isn't a dupe, not sure if the email address was

Apache::DumpHeaders 0.94

OS: Mandrake Linux 9.0
Apache: Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.26   
        (Mandrake Linux/5mdk) mod_perl/1.27
        Server Built: Sep 6 2002 19:31:19

mod_perl is functioning correctly as I tested it with the test file that
ships with mod_perl:

I followed the instructions for building and installing an Apache Perl
mod, issuing the
command perl -e ";" works fine.

In the "commonhttpd.conf" file, I put the commands:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
    <Location />
        PerlLogHandler  Apache::DumpHeaders
        PerlSetVar      DumpHeaders_File test.txt

If I didn't wrap them in the IfModule.. Apache wouldn't load correctly.
There are several
.conf files in this Apache version:

commonhttpd.conf  httpd.conf  httpd-perl.conf

The commonhttpd.conf gets included in the main httpd.conf file.

I don't quite understand how this mod is supposed to work. The
instructions say that it should
write a file that contains the dump of headers.. but I don't see a file
being written anywhere.

The archive that Apache::DumpHeaders was in, didn't include any examples
or a demo so I really don't
know how it's supposed to be used. Being a log handler, I would think
that it's something that
gets executed for every page (which would be fine).

I hope this is the correct place for this type on inquiry.


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