I may be veering off-topic, but I've started doing similar things in my
own code (generating accessor methods via AUTOLOAD).  I ended up writing
`Class::Autoload,' which I intend to upload to CPAN when I'm done with
documentation and testing.

Basically, it exports an AUTOLOAD function that will work with the
%FIELDS hash to insert accessor methods into the symbol table as
needed.  There's also a compile() method that can be used to precompile
the methods, which I thought was relevent, given the mod_perl/memory
discussion.  It also provides for read-only methods, and a typing system
like that of `Class::Class.'

If there's interest, I'll clutter up the list some more with the POD.

On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 11:13, kyle dawkins wrote:
> Perrin (et al... cc'ing this back to the list)
> Thanks for this information... it is confirming what I originally 
> thought, so I don't need to change my code (yet).  But I wanted to post 
> it back to the list to everyone else can benefit from it.
> I personally tend to avoid AUTOLOAD, only because it is a piece of perl 
> "magic" that can be super-confusing to developers coming to perl (and 
> mod_perl) from other languages (um, Java) and I think there's a 
> voodoo-level involved that's a bit high for my tastes.  In the one 
> place I use it, I don't generate anything, just trap calls to methods 
> with AUTOLOAD and perform a lookup based on the arguments.  If it 
> really is that slow, maybe I'll even rewrite that to use something 
> other than AUTOLOAD.
> Cheers!
> Kyle Dawkins
> Central Park Software
> On Tuesday, Dec 17, 2002, at 13:13 US/Eastern, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > kyle dawkins wrote:
> >> Sorry to mail you directly... can you just give me two cents on your 
> >> comment below about AUTOLOAD, mod_perl and memory sharing?   I use 
> >> AUTOLOAD in one module to perform accessors and I wonder if there's a 
> >> better way to save memory.
> >
> > AUTOLOAD is kind of slow, so most people put something in there to 
> > define their accessors as subs by manipulating the symbol table.  It's 
> > easy, and Damian's book has an example.
> >
> > In mod_perl, you want any methods that you expect to be called to be 
> > defined in the parent process so they will be shared.  I do this by 
> > building all of the accessors in a BEGIN block in my module which is 
> > called when I use it in startup.pl.
> >
> > - Perrin
> >

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