Hi there,

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Aaron J Mackey wrote:

> I have a completely mod_perl handler-based web app set up as so:
> <Location ~ ^/myapp>
>     PerlHandler         Client::WWW
>     SetHandler          perl-script
>     PerlSetVar          ConfigFile /home/ajm6q/myapp/data/www-config
> </Location>

> [snip]  What I'm having difficulty grasping is how to best handle
> image, js, css or other "static" resource requests that fall under the
> ^/myapp Location

I'd tend to put image files etc in a directory of their own outside
any which might be involved in Perl scripting, thus avoiding this issue.
Is that not easy in your case?

It seems a bit wasteful to have a mod_perl Apache process involved at
all in serving .jpg and other static files.  Why not run a two-Apache
setup and let the non-mod_perl server serve them without even letting
a heavyweight process see the request?  It's described in the Guide.


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